

You hear this phrase a lot nowadays. Everyone is “going green” which usually means save water, save resources, save this and that–You know. When it comes to your jewelry, here’s a few ways to extend that “going green” lifestyle. Aside from the obvious of wearing all your green jewelry at once!


Sometimes you end up with jewelry that doesn’t quite fit your style, so you never wear it. It sits in a little baggie or box tucked away with your sentimental trinkets.

Here’s an idea… Wear It! Rebuild something new! Customize it!

Imagine what it could be and turn it into something you’ll really wear.

A lot of times you can keep parts of your original jewelry and create something totally new. Often reusing the sentimental stones (especially diamonds) in a new piece created just for you… It just depends, but don’t let it sit hidden away. You should enjoy what you have.

Bottom line, give your old jewelry new life with a custom design. (Like these below)


Well, obviously if you’ve no attachment to those un-worn/broken jewelry pieces you can turn them into green–green cash for your pocket! 😉 People sometimes forget that precious metals have a value. You can use this “credit” towards a purchse of something new, towards repair costs for another piece, or just take your cash and run.

Bottom line, if you’ll never wear it, get something you will wear (repair it), or sell it!


Wear It!

That’s right, wear your jewelry. Go ahead and make those around you greeeeeen with envy when they see your outstanding style. So many times people have such nice jewelry and just forget to, or don’t bother to, wear it all the time. You don’t have to be “going somewhere special” to feel special in your favorite pieces.

Bottom line, if you got it… Wear it!
